Wednesday 26 December 2012

Rockstars in the living room.

Ooh man.  So it's starting- the Irish are coming to visit me!  

First up are my two great great friends Stu and Steve.  I have a wealth of information and media which I could share with the internet about them, but I won't.  Not for their reputations, more for protecting your sensibilities, dear reader. ,-)

Forfey 2009. I call this photo, "Danger Boob" [Steve, Me, Stu]

However, I couldn't be happier.  Two of my oldest friends, they are like my cool, badly behaved, vegetarian, musically awesome brothers.  We've been there for each other through a lot of things, including losing our religion, coaching each other through relationships and romance (maybe a reason why we are so difficult to pin down*), festivals, changing bands, watching bands, getting drunk, getting hungover, eating vegan food together, and generally going through the best bits of our twenties together.

That's why I am so happy to have them come play with me in Berlin, which is very much a cool new part of (my slowly fading away) twenties. 

allow me to give a brief introduction to these two whirlwinds of men.

Stu and me, so so so young. Awh.

STU Stu is one of my oldest friends that I see on a regular basis.  We met when we were good teenagers, pretty absent from teenage angst and full of love for the Smashing Pumpkins.   Meeting at the tail end of our religious lives, it was a relief (I think for both of us) to have someone else fall away from faith at the same time.  I knew Stu would be my friend forever when shortly after we met, I woke him up at 6am in the morning during a retreat, to ask him to help me bury a dead pigeon I had found.  I figured, Stu is a vegetarian and a musician, surely he will see the poetic tragedy of a dead pigeon, on a slab of concrete right beside a forest.  He politely declined, but our friendship, incredibly, grew from that moment on.  

Creatively, he has been a member of millions of bands, including the Fast Emperors,  Panama Kings,  Los Lobras (holllaaa!) Clone Quartet and more recently, General Fiasco. (Sorry if I have forgotten any!) 

Panama Kings

Clone Quartet

German Roads by General Fiasco. (relevant, right?)


Steve and I met when I was a fresh faced teenager, not long out of school.  I had taken a year out of education to, well, I'm not sure what, but it was during this time that I crossed paths with the man who would become my future ex husband.  I am not really too sure where this joke arose from, but basically at every gig I would ever go to, Steve would do a shout out to me from the stage "Here's to my ex-wife, standing over there.  With wine, again.  Who's looking after the kids, huh, sweetheart?!"  This was always pretty funny, except in situations where people genuinely thought I was his ex-wife, and was a drunk mummy**.

Steve quickly became a firm fixture in, like, my LIFE.  He is also a bit of a legend around our parts and has played with Duke Special (under the stage name "Serge"),  Los Lobras, The Unprotected, Katie and the Carnival, The Queer Giraffes to name but a few. 

The UnProtected

Katie and the Carnival- Steve stuffing his face at the head of the table


Ok, so I love both of these boys, and I know they can't wait to sample the delights of Berlin.  I asked both the guys how they would like to be introduced-

Stu-  (apparently played the bass on this. RIGHT) 

Message from Stu- 

I've a family dinner thing, gotta go. Please don't embarrass me online. xx
You know too much!!

Steve- (oh man.)

Message from Steve-

Jeez i dunno. hope i get in and out alive. no no limits... no valley to deep, no mountain too high.


One of our #VeganTuesdays, with friends.

* read: perpetually single, romantic-retards
**  I am not married to Steve, nor have I ever been.  We have no children together, nor have we ever indulged in any children making activities.  Go us guys!! In fact, me, Stu and Steve seem to fly the flag for plutonic friendships, YEAH! ANYWAY, I consider myself lucky to hold the fictional title of 'Steve's ex-wife', because he's a great guy.  Except when he lies in rotting milk on buses, forgets his sleeping bags at festivals or pisses on your tent.

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