Tuesday 30 June 2015

Welcome Back, Baby...

Holy hell. It's been a while since I've posted on this.

I can straight out say, it was cause my ex faaaa-reaked out that I was keeping a blog. I mean, I'm not exactly Bridget Jones here... or someone who keeps a blog which is famous. Anyway, as one of the many moves I made to change who I was in order to keep that relationship "healthy" (*cough cough COUGH*), I quit writing this blog.

That won't be happening again. ;)

Things to update you on:

  • Started stand up comedy. Stopped (currently) doing shows because I got encouragement and bookings and felt pressured. Think there's a little "obligation" problem there. Hmm.
  • Living alone in Xberg, in a long-term job (514 days deep, which I only know cause I baked some banana bread for the office and needed to make up a reason why)
  • Attempting to run the marathon in Berlin in September but HOLY SWEET JESUS motivation is low.
  • Also attempting to be a grown up and take better care of myself - less drinking, more exercise, green smoothies, that sort of thing...
  • ...but I accidentally got into weed so that's probably why not drinking seems easy. Only smoke like, a couple of times a month though.
  • Travelling more this year. Visiting family more, if poss, also hitting up Barcelona, London, Wales, New York City, Prague, Ireland, Holland.
I'll keep y'all posted. Probably sooner rather than later.