Monday 19 November 2012

Top Five- Shit Boys Do

Disclaimer- I am going to do annoying things about both genders, this is not a 'hate on men' piece.  Find my Come Dine With Me episode to hear Channel 4 make a tit of me going, "oh no, I'm not one of those 'I hate guys' feminists.... I love guys". Nice one Channel 4.

So, I recently started watching the new HBO series 'Girls', embarrassingly because, yes, it's being spoken about everywhere, and I wanted to see what the fuss was about.

Its ok, but some of it feels way too true and highlights just how stupid we can all be.  In response, I have decided to highlight my top five things that boys and girls do that is just plain old shitty....  Not necessarily all in a sexual context, but just around each other.  So today, we are going to have.. Top Five Shitty Things Boys Do. (Top Five Shitty Girls Things will follow, I promise!)

God knows I hate acknowledging there are difference between the genders, but...well...yes.  There are differences between the genders.

[Point of Note- Some of these also make the compilation following several recent incidents. Thanks fellas]

Top Five Shitty Things Boys Do To Girl Friends And Girlfriends.

#5.  Grab the back of your neck while talking to you.
One of my friends does this, and I swear to God, I feel like a trapped piece of prey.  I don't know how it could be sexy, I find it a little intimidating/inclined to make me think the guy is a jerk.  I don't really know how to say either, without being insanely rude.

So in this photo, I'd be the wildebeest.  Nice.

#4.  Make horse based references to you.
Making that 'cht-cht' noise with a wink always makes me feel like a horse. When I was a kid, I rode horses, and this was the noise I made to them as I would get them to giddy up.  Also, saying 'that's a good girl', 'what a fine filly', etc., falls into this category.

One of my friends recently got engaged, and she went with her fiance to a country show.  While there, she met a family friend of her fiance's, who smacked her fiance on the shoulder and commented, that she was a 'good U8'.  My friend found out later that was a farming term for a particular good class of cattle.

#3.  Tell sexist jokes
Ahhh, this happens all the time.  I don't know if its a vague kind of 'hey girl, you're one of the guys, we like you' thing, but it is one of my pet hates. So picture the scene, there's ONE girl, and a bunch of guys.  A joke is told about, I don't know, 'banging' a girl, or some pretty intensely female topic (rape/abortion) and when all the guys roar with laughter, you can either 
a) kick off
b) laugh along
c) laugh along while muttering, "God that's awful"
d) walk away (thus perhaps looking a little huffy)
Thing is, of course it's nice that you are including the one girl in the gang in your banter, but please.  Imagine if it was the other way around... a bunch of girls telling a joke about penis size, or prostrate cancer... or castration, in front of one awkwardly laughing guy.  I don't know what topics match up, because by and large, I don't think girls do it [if we do, I am totally ready to stand corrected].  Its just a totally awkward and horrible moment.  I wrote down 'abortion and rape' there and thought to myself, "No way, that's too extreme."  Sad truth is, I can think of jokes I have heard like this including abortion, rape, periods, miscarriages and child abuse.  Maybe I just fall into the company of jerks from time to time?!

#2.  Don't chill out, have fun...and by this I mean, DANCE.
So there's this whole thing that men have to be strong, emotion-free pillars of masculinity.  And sometimes, this results in about 98% male population not dancing.  I hate this!!  Now, two things I want to make clear.  Some guys don't like to dance, that's cool. Some people are shy, but not all of you!  And please, don't get me wrong, I also hate girls who do sexy dancing.  Meh, piss off Mary-Sue.  Dancing is about an expression of joy and fun, not sexiness.  [n.B I do realise that sexy dancing is totally sexy, but I just think it is like when I try to talk with a French accent- I feel like a fraud.  When I dance sexy, I either am totally drunk or taking the piss.  I chose fun over sexy].  Dance.  Lighten up.  We all do it from time to time, and who wants to hang out with anyone who can't have a bit of fun?!

#1.  Talk/stare at your boobs.
Sigh.  No one is 13 anymore, so really, there's no excuse.  If you're going to do it, at least do it subtly.  (Hahaha, I like this male response on the subject.)

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