Friday 9 November 2012

Stereotypes, Baby. So so wrong, so so usually kinda accurate.

So recently I have been exploring the notion of stereotypes.  This is in no doubt due to my forthcoming move to Germany.  Everything I do (slight exaggeration, some things I do) evokes the response "Oh Cat....nein.  You can't say/do/sniff/eat that" from a kindly German bud.

Ahh shit man.  I don't want to be inappropriate in a second language.

Anyway, last weekend I was sitting with two German lads and an Irish guy and we started chatting about our ideas of stereotypes about the other country.


- The Irish EXAGGERATE.  Everything is the BEST, the funniest, the tastiest, the drunkest, the whatever-ist.  (I agree.  We do)
- The Irish women are....bad dressers?

Tragedy is, I know what she is talking about. However I want to speak up for Irish girls that I know, and say we are not all millies.  There are plenty of awesome dressers and hipsters here as well!!

- The Irish drink.  (I agree.  We do.  My lovely lovely German friend picked me up from the airport last Friday.  She said with delight, 'Oh Cat, we're fine, I have bought us wine for having some drinks at mine and then at the party."  She had bought two bottles of wine.  For two of us, all night.  God, I felt like the international community was judging my Irish tendency to get torn into the booze)

- The Irish are good at dancing (I.....agree.  Some people can Irish dance, sure.  I can't, but like to pretend I can.)

- The Irish are good at playing traditional Irish instruments.  (Ha.  Rarely)

- The Irish talk a lot (Awh hell JA!)


- The Germans are punctual (apparently so, which makes me SO SO happy because I feel like I am the only punctual person in Ireland.  I am sick of being on time, to hang about trying to look nonchalant waiting for my rude friend)

- The Germans are efficient (STEREOTYPE NUMBER ONE ALERT.  Um.  I haven't noticed crazy levels of efficiency beyond functional trains and.. cool social initiatives like recycling glass bottles.)

- The Germans are fond of sausages and cold meat plates.  (Ja, sicher.  But theres more vegetarian places in Berlin than any I've seen in Belfast.  God bless you hipsters!)

-The Germans are direct.  (I think... this is true.  And for me, as a person who talks for several hours before reaching the point, this is refreshing.)

- The Berlin based Germans are cool mother fuckers.  (Um..  Yes.  To the extent that a job interview I had this week included the phrase, "Yeah, so you have the personality, skill set and attitude we want.  And, well, you're cool enough to work with us." COOL IS CURRENCY FRAULEIN!)

So....whats the lesson here today?  Stereotypes are bad, we know that.  Why judge a collective when you can judge an individual?  If you want to be a judgmental person, sure why not take a bit of time to get to know the person and be specific.  Chances are, if you're judging all round, you'll prefer a chance to be a bit more cutting and mean.

 On the other hand, maybe a stereotype can just help highlight a few new things you didn't know.  But, c'mon kids. Everyone is super in their own way and stuff.  Blah blah blah.  

Ok.  Today's lesson? PLAY NICE KIDS.

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