Thursday 20 September 2012

Don't deny a sugar high


I need to start blogging again apparently.  You ask, I deliver.  

Lets hit you with an UPDATE.

Online dramaaa
Yeah, lets discuss this.  Yesterday, I decided to update my Facebook page.  Fire in a new quotation, update my relationship status, etc.  Yeah, and?  Updating my Facebook Relationship status was easily one of the most mortifying things I have done this week.  I was single ANYWAY, but I went from 'Blank' to 'Single'.  Oh jesus.  Talk about cringe!  Even as I type this, one of my ex's has just commented saying- 'odear'.  Odear?  Oh dear I dated someone who doesn't realise oh dear is not one word.

Please I need to release a statement?  Totally happy, not in a post break-up pit of 'Forever alone-ness'.  Ugh.  Jesus Christ.  

Last night had my first night as a duty manager in work.  Theatre duty managers make sure people don't barf, and if they do, we get someone to clean it up.  It also has an element of sheparding to it- rousing the flocks to leave their drinking troughs and go to the dark barns. Being the theatre. Or something. Its fun though. FUN.  (At this early stage, its probably best to point out I have been chain drinking 'low-cal' hot chocolate drinks, and am on perhaps a little sugar rush.  I think low-cal loses its importance when you drink 6 of them in a row.)

It was good.  I felt like a part of me had died/my mum would be so happy, as I was wearing a sensible skirt with sensible flat shoes.  Now I'm all for flat shoes but WITH a sensible knee length skirt?  Colour me middle aged.  No thanks.  Happily though, I could spy my tattoo (recently acquired in Berlin) through my tights on my foot and felt that 10% badass still remained.  I had to film people after the show to ask them what they thought about it- I totally utilised the tricks that Come Dine With Me used on me- look encouraging, pull happy faces as if whatever the person is saying fills you with glee.  People see this and respond by talking more.  As someone who loves to talk anyway, seems I can make people talk a LOT.

I'm also doing more radio (1.42.00ish) these days.  I'm chilling out and becoming less like what I think they want to hear and  Which probably means more babbling nonsense, but hey, if they paychecks keep coming, I ain't complaining.  Actually, on that note, one naughty show hasn't paid me, so I'm hoping that comes through this weekend as I am going to Berlin to....

Hells yeah bitches!!  Went to Berlin with aul Cazi the other week.  Had such a great time, I have decided to relocate there.  One small problem is that it seems like 5,000,000 other people have the same idea as me. Ah balls.  Applying for jobs remotely is difficult.  But I am confident it'll work out.  Somehow. 

This weekend, my friend Francis has arranged for a pile of his Europe based pals to get together in Berlin to party.  He wanted me to go- I couldn't afford it.  He offered to pay if I could get the time off work.... ummm.... I got the time off work.  Woo woo! I met and hung out with some people the other week that I'd like to catch up with, so hopefully that'll happen.  The Northern Irish ex-pats understand my euphoric nature, I think I might come off as a nut to the Deutsch though.  Ooops.  I have kept in touch with them on Facebook and Jesus Christ, I come off as mad bitch/horny devil/crazy lesbian.  Ok, ok, at times I can be the two former, (not the latter, sorry laydees), but I am actually just trying to sound enthusiastic most of the time.  Basically every time I hit 'Send', I die a little.

Have you ever seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?  You know that scene when Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are lying on the frozen lake making up constellations?  He turns to her and says, ""I could die right now, Clem. I'm just... happy. I've never felt that before. I'm just exactly where I want to be."

I had this moment last night walking home from work at midnight.  Berlin this weekend, new adventures, just feeling happy.  I knew it wouldn't last - and it didn't, I didn't get the job I applied for and was told by email first thing this morning- but its good to recognise these moments huh?

Right. Chat later homeboys.

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