Friday 16 September 2011

There's a bounty on my head....

Well, that's being a bit hyperbolic, I'll be frank.  But I've been headhunted for a new restaurant, being opened by, probably, the most premier restauranteurs in Belfast.  Only problem is....I'm not sure I want it.

As the famous saying goes, this is a game of two halves.

Firstly, it was earlier this year, on a night I blogged about actually, that I met this restauranting couple.  Having lent the wife a Vogue cigarrette, we proceeded to chat about work.  Animatedly, I told stories of ridiculous customers, difficult providers and so on.  I don't really know what happened per sé, only that they seemed to really like me.  They told me which restaurant they currently ran (which caused me to emit an inward gasp of appreciation) and told me of their plans for the new one.  We swapped contact details and kept in touch.  Last week, I went down to the current restaurant to chat about the new build, was asked to be a part of it.  IF ONLY IT WAS WHAT I WANTED!!

The second part of this tale was at a druid party this summer.  Come on....It was a druid party.  I kissed a boy.  We've kept in touch and flip, he's really doing it, you know?  Living the dream.  He's a trained doctor and currently completing a diploma in tropical medicine with a view to someday working for an NGO or something.  Jesus Christ.  I am SO jealous of him.  This jealousy, completely ridiculous, is what has made me readdress the dither dather approach I have been taking to my own life.

Hospitality no more.  Even the finest of hospitality jobs.

I'm applying for some jobs with a very large and well known charity.  I feel obliged to take the other job, but only out of politeness. Out of politeness, I mean, good God woman. Its just, is it not a bit like flirting outrageously with someone, then not putting out?!

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